Golden locks small sacrifice

URALLA women Tamora Griffin and Davina Johnson have decided to shed their blonde locks in a bid to raise money for cancer research.
They will go under the clippers at The Top Pub in Uralla on 22 March as part of the Leukaemia Foundation’s World Greatest Shave.
They are shaving their heads in honour of Tamora’s niece Kate McCartin, who at age 17 years was diagnosed with an aggressive form of the blood cancer.
Having to swap her HSC studies and soccer games for chemotherapy and hair loss, Kate and her family travelled an emotionally-draining road.
“Although Kate endured many debilitating treatments and immense physical suffering – she showed an amazing strength of character at every twist and turn,” Ms Griffin said.
“Unfortunately Kate lost her battle at 18.”
As a small way to honour Kate, and to help other families suffering similar journeys, Tamora and Davina decided to lose their hair, knowing so many others don’t get that choice.
“The level of support that we are receiving from the community is awesome,” they said.
A number of businesses in Armidale and Uralla are supporting the cause.
“Anyone that wants to hop on board are most welcome,” Ms Griffin said.
The head shave will be one part of a night of entertainment.
Tickets to get in and be a part of the raffles are just $3 each or four tickets for $10 and can be purchased any time. Ticket holders don’t need to attend the event to win.
“The generosity of people has been amazing,” Ms Griffin said.
The Uralla women will lose their locks at The Top Pub at 8pm on 22 March.

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