Bicarb benefits

Some months ago a Brisbane doctor was suspended for using Bicarbonate of Soda as an adjunct to cancer treatment on the grounds it was unproven – but it was not disproven either.
I direct readers to 1., 2. and 3., talk to your doctor then form an opinion.
Cancer is a replication cell. Like all replication cells it appears it cannot live in a neutral PH or alkaline environment.  Farmers in many countries have used bi-carb soda as an antifungal spray on crops and fruit for over 60 years (half a cup to 20 litres of water), we soaked fruit in it to remove fungus so they would keep longer.  Rural doctors used a poultice of bi-carb soda and coconut oil for eight weeks as a treatment for sun cancer and warts, where they dried up and fell off .  Grandparents used it in homes to kill mould, mildew, fungus; mixed with olive oil as a poultice for sores and boils, to cure rashes and itches, it was a hair wash and used in washing to keep clothes clean and fresh.
Bathe your feet two hours a day and see what happens to nail fungus and tinea!

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