Greens step up anti-dam campaign

NSW Greens MP Dr John Kaye has thrown his weight behind the campaign to stop the proposed Byrrill Creek Dam, south west of Murwillumbah.
Dr Kaye was on the Tweed last week, accompanied by Linda Bowden, a key player in the highly successful community campaign that defeated the Tillegra Dam proposal in the Upper Hunter.
“There are lots of similarities between the proposed Byrrill Creek Dam and Tillegra. Both would be expensive, unnecessary and environmentally destructive,” Dr Kaye said after an inspection of the site.
“Both have been driven by a small group of individuals desperate to leave their mark with an enormous supply project. Neither can be justified, especially after opportunities for lower cost water conservation, efficiency and recycling are taken into account.
“Tillegra was defeated by a focused and intelligent community campaign. There are a lot of valuable lessons for Byrrill Creek.
“The former Labor Government was severely embarrassed by documents released under the Order of Parliament that showed that experts and even the government’s own water and environment advisers understood how unnecessary and damaging Tillegra would have been.
“Combined with a strong on-the-ground campaign, relentless publicity and leafleting, the massive dam was defeated four years after it was proposed.
“Since the March state election it has become very clear that local residents in Byrrill Creek have a similarly huge fight on their hands. The O’Farrell Government wasted no time in announcing a review of the provisions of the water sharing plan that prohibited the dam.
“The Greens have twice tried to move a motion in parliament calling for the release of all documents in the government’s possession relating to the review. On both occasions the attempts were blocked by Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson’s colleagues in the Upper House.
“Recently residents in Byrrill Creek watched in horror as logging commenced in a dam-affected area. These trees were not supposed to be logged until after the dam was approved.
“Alarm bells are ringing as residents question the need for such haste.
“The Greens are pleased to be able to bring to the Tweed Linda Bowden who played a key role in the No Tillegra Dam Group that worked so successfully with the Save the Williams River Coalition and the Wilderness Society.
“When parliament resumes on October 11, the Greens will continue our efforts to shed light on the government’s secret plans for Byrrill Creek,” Dr Kaye said.

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