Meet and greet for chamber

The new-look Kingscliff Chamber of Commerce recently held their second “meet and greet”.
The first event was held at the Cudgen Surf Club a few weeks ago while this time the venue was the Babalou Cafe and bar.
Thirty members and prospective members turned up to enjoy a chat and nibbles and get to know each other better.
New chamber vice president Don Neal said the chamber “virtually had a brand new board” that was aiming to get out to the local businesses and be much more pro-active.
He said the group was still holding its breakfast functions every two months.
Mr Neil said the “meet and greet” was a good chance for business people to talk to each other and to work together with the council and other groups to get things done in the community.
He said the aim was to have more evenings like this at suitable venues around the town.

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