Hospital Auxiliary needs your help

The 47th Armidale Branch of the United Hospitals Auxiliaries of NSW Inc’s Annual General Meeting was held in the Armidale Hospital last week. Member for Northern Tablelands, Richard Torbay, Armidale Dumaresq Council Mayor, Cr Peter Ducat and Armidale Hospital management were among the dignitaries in attendance.
Maureen O’Grady stepped down after a four-year term as President and took on the Treasurer’s role. New President, Judy Maguire, has taken on the challenging position of leading the long-running community organisation after nine years as its Treasurer.
Five ladies were presented with pins in recognition of 10 years of service: Emmie Forge; Robyn Clutterbuck; Robyn Wood; Ros Townsend; and Pauline Cowley.
The financial report for the past financial year was presented to the AGM and the news was not good, especially in respect to the trends that they are indicative of.
Net income was down against the previous financial year and expenses were up. Income from raffles had risen significantly but the principal revenue stream for the local Auxiliary ladies remains the 100 per cent volunteer run kiosk, which is in itself a highly valued part of the hospital.
Despite the rising operational costs faced by businesses and volunteer organisations at present, Judy Maguire said that all the Armidale Hospital Auxiliary needs in order to turn things around is more volunteers and increased business.
“Ladies thinking about volunteering a few hours a week simply need to call one of the committee members or come into the kiosk and leave your contact details to learn what is involved or to become a member. We will have an information stall at the Armidale Volunteer Expo in Armidale Plaza on Wednesday, August 31.
“All of our profits go to buy much needed equipment for our hospital. Over the past financial year, we donated $27,203 worth of equipment.
“There was a broad range of items purchased for the hospital, including electric beds, an ECG machine and a Nintendo Wii which helps stroke recovery through exercises,” Mrs Maguire said.
“I’ve been in the Armidale Hospital Auxiliary for almost 15 years now. It gives me great satisfaction to know that I’m helping one of the most important organisations in my home town – its health service. It’s a wonderful, friendly group. We enjoy meeting the public, the patients and of course the fantastic staff,” she said.
Dorothy Strahle is an outgoing New England Regional Representative with the United Hospitals Auxiliaries (after nine years).
“The Armidale Hospital Auxiliary donations, its kiosk and trolley service are very important, in terms of the needs they meet,” she said. “The Armidale Branch of the UHA began in 1965, though there were non-affiliated auxiliaries prior to that, the main one forming in 1933.
“Since we were inaugurated into the UHA in Armidale, we would have donated well over $1 million worth of equipment to our hospital. We’ve also supported local businesses, buying goods like fruit and vegetables locally.”
In the past financial year, total donations from the United Hospitals Auxiliaries to health services throughout NSW was a record high, according to Mrs Strahle.
“About $10.4 million worth of equipment was put into hospitals throughout the State during the 2010-11 year.
“People, particularly those in smaller regional communities, really support their hospitals and their auxiliary ladies,” she said.

Story: Gary Fry

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