Stand-up paddleboard event for Kingscliff

The sport of stand-up paddleboarding is a great way to keep fit and have a healthy lifestyle. Its versatility and accessibility to people of all ages makes it one of the fastest growing sports in the world.
The event will be held on Saturday, December 3, 8.00am-2.00pm in the south-east  corner of Faulks Park.
Whether you’re eight or 80, if you’ve always wanted to have a go, now is your chance. Sunstate Hobie are holding a demonstration day where you can come and try their range of boards in flat water or in the surf – all free to try. You can grab a free sausage sizzle and go in the draw to win some great prizes.
Tweed Coast duo Justin Holland and Shakira Westdorp, the current men’s and women’s Australian stand-up surfing champions will be there to offer advice and have some fun.
Justin has organised the Sunstate Hobie demonstration day to give people the opportunity to try  stand-up, a sport that he loves.
This is an excellent opportunity to come and try stand-up paddleboards.
Justin and Shakira are both supported by HOBIE and are excited about the opportunity to showcase their boards.
Justin Holland only began to competitively surf stand-up paddleboards at the beginning of the year.
In his first event at Noosa surfing festival, he placed fourth in the final and went on to win the Malfunction here at Kingscliff.
This year he has gone on to compete in stand-up world tour events in Tahiti and California and competed solo in the prestigious 52km Oahu to Molokai race.
Shakira Wesdorp has a history of successes under her belt, including the Oahu to Molokai paddleboard race, winning the Hawaiian battle of the paddle event and continuing her success as a paddler and surfer, with the Australian title this year.
Justin and Shakira have the opportunity to compete in the world ISA games representing Australia next year in Peru.
Both are passionate about stand-up and keen to share the joy of stand-up paddle-boarding.

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