David Marr lecturing on Human rights

Prominent Walkley Award winning journalist, author and progressive political and social commentator, David Marr, will present the Seventh Lecture in the Series on Human Rights sponsored by Armidale Sanctuary Humanitarian Settlement Inc on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 6.00pm in The Armidale Town Hall.
The subject of his talk will be ‘Australia and the boats ten years after The Tampa: how old fears still feed the politics of panic’.
This is a wonderful opportunity to hear directly from this provocative and talented writer and speaker, author of many books, including the acclaimed biography of Patrick White and more recently ‘Dark Victory’ the story of the Tampa, ‘The Henson Case’ and ‘Power Trip: The Political Journey of Kevin Rudd’.
President of Armidale Sanctuary, Professor Helen Ware, says she is delighted to have yet another distinguished Australian delivering the Seventh Lecture in the Series. Previous speakers have been Father Frank Brennan, the Rev Tim Costello, Julian Burnside QC, Dr Robin Jones, Helen Caldicott and the Hon Michael Kirby.
Everyone is welcome to attend – no need to book, just turn up on the day – entry is $10 at the door of The Town Hall. Time 6.00pm for 6.30pm.
Armidale Sanctuary Human-itarian Settlement Inc has been sponsoring and supporting refugees under the government’s humanitarian settlement program for the past eight years.

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