Pick it up

I am a resident of Pottsville and regularly walk dogs in the area. Whilst on these walks I have noticed there is a large amount of dog faeces on our streets. So much in fact I think we could rename our beautiful town Poopsville.
On most grass verges and reserves there is evidence of our four-legged friends.  Owning a dog comes with responsibilities, so come on dog owners, it takes seconds to pick it up in a plastic bag, I know because I pick it up, it’s not a pleasant task, but neither is it pleasant trying to get it off your shoes!
It is not only dog owners littering our streets though,  there is also a large number of drink cups discarded on our local roads, paths and in the bushes, they are hard to miss with their distinctive bright colour and shop logo!
Obviously the ‘Keep Australia Clean’ message is not getting through to our kids, respecting the environment starts at home, teach your kids to pick it up.
Lastly, a special mention to all you beer drinkers the ones that leave beer bottles along our shorelines.
It is as a result of your stupidity and thoughtlessness that I had to take a much loved family pet to have emergency surgery on the weekend costing hundreds of dollars after it trod on one of these broken beer bottles near Black Rocks Bridge.Look around you, we are lucky to live in a such a beautiful town.
We have beautiful beaches and parks at our doorstep, so let’s have a little more respect for our environment and those we share it with. Pick it up Pottsville.  I am sure this problem is not limited to just Pottsville, so look around your community and pick it up.

Fay Perry

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