The kindness of strangers

On the last weekend of July, our much-loved 12-year-old cat went missing. After two days he was found by a wonderful friend and neighbour and rushed to the vet.
Despite a long, hard fight he finally succumbed to injuries and exposure.
During this time of anxiety and loss, two things sustained us. One was the support of friends and family. The second was the great kindness and sympathy shown by our neighbours, acquaintances and people we had never met.
We want to express our gratitude to – the people of central South around Marsh, Faulkner and Kentucky Streets and College Ave. To a person, they responded to our desperate door knocking with care, concern and courtesy.
– Ben and the staff at Knight’s store, who displayed our signs.
– everybody at North Hill Veterinary Clinic, the emergency vets that weekend, who fought heroically for three days to save our cat. When it became apparent that he was not going to make it, they ended his life with great sensitivity and compassion.
Although we are saddened by the loss of our cat, we feel very fortunate to live in Armidale where people take time to care about each other and we have skilled professionals to look after us and our animals. We know that, when it is time to get another cat, we can rely on our community to find one for us; through word of mouth or the rescue programs run by RSPCA volunteers or the animal shelter.

Bronwyn Meredith,

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