State of children’s playgrounds in Armidale

I write in regard to both my concerns and the concerns of other parents I have spoken to in regards to the state of children’s playgrounds in Armidale.
Yes, there are numerous parks around town. That’s great!! But the majority are either old, unsuitable for younger children or a combination.
Take, for example, the park at the Arboretum. This is a park that tourists stop in at when they visit Armidale. The arboretum is beautiful. The kiddies love to feed the ducks and fish in the pond. But the playground equipment is a McDonald’s hand-me-down that was manufactured in 1993. McDonalds doesn’t even endorse the characters (think ‘Hamburglar’) that once were on the equipment — that is before some of them faded beyond recognition. Beyond that, it is rusty and has been graffitied.
Many parents I have spoken to recently commented that they take their children to the park at Uralla. Great for business promotion in Uralla, but isn’t it a bit sad that people from a regional ‘city’ such as Armidale need to resort to taking their children to other towns to play. And after taking my daughter there the other day to check it out, I can understand why they drive the distance. Granted, the Uralla parks aren’t overwhelmingly fabulous but, compared to Armidale, there is no comparison.
We live in the age of technology. The government is investing millions of dollars into programs designed to encourage children to get off the couch and get outside. Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in children as young as two. Shouldn’t we be promoting activity by providing decent playspaces for them?
Walking around town it is becoming more common to see play equipment being erected in almost every backyard that has children. Great if you can afford it. But beyond that, what about the missed socialisation opportunities? You can’t beat going to the park— the children have a great time meeting other children and playing with them and more often than not, the parents end up socialising too. Many opportunities to make new friends!!
Wouldn’t it be great to see areas such as the Arboretum more kid-friendly? Imagine a well-designed playground suitable not only for older children but also for toddlers (if you have seen the new one at Copeton Dam you will know what I mean by well-designed). Imagine a fence around the playground so parents can relax a bit and not constantly stop the children’s attempts to run down to the car park and very busy road. Imagine the playground being undercover (and sun-safe) like the one at Uralla. Now imagine how many more children will want to be outside. And imagine what the tourists will think when they stop in, whilst visiting our beautiful town. Beyond that, realise that this isn’t part of a vivid imagination – it is an achievable dream!

Lisa Stone

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