SLA Forum explains the price on carbon

There has been much talk about the Carbon Price in the media, but what is it really about? How will it affect us? Will it really help us create a clean energy future?
The next Thursday Forum in the popular series held by Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) will take up these issues with a presentation by Jarra Hicks and Hadley White from 100% Renewable Energy New England.
“Our information session will take you through the current Carbon Price proposal, its likely impacts and the Opposition’s proposed alternative. Our aim is to provide balanced information to people in our community who are confused and worried.
“People need to be able to make an informed decision. We also want to help people know what the legislation is likely to mean for renewable energy investment and jobs,” said Jarra Hicks. “There has been an awful amount of hype about this in the media and it has become quite confusing for people.
“The Clean Energy Future, or ‘carbon price’, is significant legislation. We want people to understand it and what’s at stake if we do, or don’t, bring it into effect,” she said.
100% Renewable Energy New England is a local, non-partisan group seeking to help people understand this issue better. The group is offering a free one-hour presentation to community groups, businesses, schools etc. For more information or to book a session at your venue, contact, or 6772 8804 or 0478 052 337.
The SLA Thursday Forum on the Carbon Price is on September 1 at 7pm at Kent House, 141 Faulkner Street, opposite Central Park. All welcome, light refreshments gold coin donation appreciated.

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