Thank you

I would ask that you make available a small space in your paper to allow me to thank the men and women of The Armidale Family History group who, through a lot of research and hard work, organised a dedication ceremony on behalf of the Schwalbach family in memory of William Jean Schwalbach from the American Civil War and former Armidale resident, on July 30 this year.
Their warmth and hospitality on our arrival in Armidale went above and beyond anything the family could have imagined. The number of people who came to the cemetery for the ceremony overwhelmed all four generation of the Schwalbachs who attended.
To John and Pam Harvey, who took the time to guide us in their car out to Puddledock and then back to Plumpton to show us where the family lived was an added thrill and their generosity and warmth will always be remembered.
Thanks must also go to the Reverend David Seaman from the Presbyterian Church who conducted a moving ceremony, and to the wonderful Armidale band who played a rousing performance of the “Star Spangled Banner” and “Advance Australia Fair”.
Finally a thank you to Armidale Dumaresq Council for allowing the group to organise such an event and for the laying of the stone plaque to be placed upon the grave.
We have returned to our own towns now, with memories that will last forever, to know that people took the time to research the history of a stranger, managed to locate some living members of that stranger, and to organise not only a humbling, moving ceremony, but to then welcome that family back to their research centre for a wonderful luncheon speaks volumes of their love and dedication to their craft and fellow man.
Armidale you have some wonderful citizens doing some amazing things for your city.

Wayne Schwalbach on behalf of the Schwalbach family.

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