Information day for Tweed farmers

Following the success of last year’s sustainable agriculture projects, Tweed farmers are invited to an information session at the Imperial Hotel, Murwillumbah on January 17.
The Tweed Shire Council event will allow farmers to discuss potential projects for 2012.
Measures to foster a viable farming community in the Tweed and improve the environmental capacity of local farmland are vital to the Shire, according to a 10-year community strategic plan adopted by Tweed Shire Council.
The Tweed Shire Community Strategic Plan 2011- 2021 identifies a number of community objectives for an enhanced farming sector and Council is now pursuing a Sustainable Agriculture Program in response to those goals.
The Council is working with local landholders – with support from the Tweed River Committee, Tweed Coastal Committee and state agencies – to implement projects which improve the viability and environmental capacity of the Tweed’s farmland.
“Last year’s initiatives included nutrient cycle projects which highlighted the benefits of compost and animal manures in improving soil carbon and soil health,” Council’s Sustainable Agriculture Program Leader Sebastien Garcia-Cuenca said.
Thirty-five farmers received over 500 tonnes of compost and manure to apply on various crops through a Caring for our Country grant and a joint project with Tweed Landcare funded through Northern Rivers Food Links.
“Project results demonstrated consistent increases in soil carbon, nitrogen and sulphur and anecdotal evidence showed healthier, more resilient crops. Participating farmers said it would make economic sense to have a composting plant in the Tweed because most products are currently hauled in from outside the Tweed.”
Mr Garcia-Cuenca said transport currently accounted for up to 50 per cent of the total cost of food production.
He said there were opportunities for further projects in 2012, subject to available funding.
The information session for farmers will be held on Tuesday, January 17 at the lmperial Hotel, Murwillumbah from 6pm until 8pm.
For more information or to RSVP, contact the Community Support Officer, Claire Masters,
on (02) 6670 2199 or

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