Spicks and Specks favourites for Fingal

It is hard to forget the first time you see the Perch Creek Family Jug Band.
Whether it be in person or on Spicks and Specks on the ABC, this is a band that, once seen, is never forgotten.
The band, which hails from out the other side of the Tweed, are a force of nature with a sound that takes in bluegrass, old-time jazz, country blues and whatever else they feel like throwing in.
Brought up busking til the wee hours on the rowdy streets of the Gold Coast and Brisbane as children, the Perch Creek Family Jug Band learned to use their voices and multi-instrumental talents to pull a crowd and keep them there.
Now they’re (nearly) grown up and have fine-tuned their five part harmonies and unique style for their original and traditional repertoire.
Featuring Australia’s top one-legged saw player, Who magazine’s ‘most handsome jug player’, and more (equally notable) siblings than you can count (where do they keep getting them from?), the PCFJB sing and dance their unique music to young and old.
And if you haven’t seen them you will probably want to know who they all are and what the heck that instrument is they’re playing and for that matter how old they are.
So for the record The Perch Creek Family Jugband are:
Camilla Hodgkins: Riviera keyboard, ($5 from the local dump) frailing 5 string banjo, ukulele, “steam-powered piano” (melodica), vocals and much, much more. (Definite over-achiever)
Lear Hodgkins: Washboard, jug, drums, vocals and insightful teenage wit. (Yeah, whatever)
Eileen Hodgkins: Guitar, clarinet, ukulele, tap dancing and vocals. (No jokes may be made at Eileen’s expense, as stipulated in her contract) .
“Crispy Hot Chickens” (Aka Christi Hodgkins): Ever the bargainer, Crispy held on to his soul, and sold his leg to the Devil in exchange for phenomenal talent and musical sensitivity that defies his meagre 16 years of life experience. He plays the harmonica, kazoo, trombone, saw and vocals.
Lenny Hodgkins: Clocking in at 3’9″ and 3 stone, Lenny plays the spoons, whistles and vocals. At seven years old, he sings in an old-timey band by day, but at home he spends long nights practicing on his bright red mini electric guitar, patiently waiting for his big break as a rocker!
“Bigfoot” Jimmy Chandler: The tall man with the fabulous moustache. Not only does he have a fantastic moustache, but Jimmy also plucks the big bass fiddle and sings.
“Ukulele” Lali Hodgkins: Introducing the newest member of the band at 13 years of age, Ukulele Lali with her gracious tap dancing and strumming on a “mystery” instrument…
Special guest Della May Swan Hodgkins: The little girl with a big name makes guest appearances gracing the tap board.
The Perch Creek Family Jugband regularly play festivals including the Woodford Folk Festival, Mullum Music Festival, and The Tamworth Country Music Festival. In 2010 they appeared on the ABC TV show Spicks & Specks, before jetting off to Europe for a three-month tour. Now they are safely back in Australia and always raring for the next gig and this one’s in their home territory.

WHO: The Perch Creek Family Jug Band
WHERE: Sheoak Shack, Fingal Head.
WHEN: Saturday, January 14, 7pm

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