Tweed Coasters flood survey

Flooding is a hot topic at the moment, so perhaps it’s timely that Tweed Shire Council is seeking the views of Tweed Coasters on flood-related issues.
The council has created an online survey on flooding, as part of the Coastal Creeks Floodplain Risk Management Study.
Community organisations within the study area (from South Kingscliff to Wooyung and inland to Burringbar – Mooball) are being encouraged to make a submission to council, considering a range of flood related issues, including:

  • Emergency response issues experienced in previous events, and how this could be improved.
  • Previous flood damage experienced by in previous events, and how this could be minimised.
  • The level of flood awareness, and how this could be improved.
  • Flood modification options(structural options such as levees and drainage) that should be investigated.
  • Current development controls and how they could be improved.
  • Other property controls such as voluntary purchase or house raising that should be investigated.
  • Environmental, social and economic implications of past or future floods.
  • River bank treatments and riparian vegetation projects and their usefulness.
  • The potential impacts of climate change because of increased sea levels and increased rainfall intensities, and how these impacts should be addressed.
  • The implications of future development on the floodplain.

Council’s Planning and Infrastructure Engineer, Danny Rose, said individuals are also encouraged to participate in the consultation process by completing a survey questionnaire.
“The submissions and survey responses will be used to identify and assess options to mitigate flood risks and to help prepare a plan which details how flood prone land within the study area will be managed,” Mr Rose said.
The survey can be completed online through council’s website (under ‘What’s New’) or hard copies are available at council offices at Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads.
The deadline for surveys and other submissions close on Friday, March 9.

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