AURG planting at Rologas Fields

Embrace the recent beautiful weather, and join the Armidale Urban Rivercare Group and the High Country Urban Biodiversity (HiCUB) project on Sunday, November 13 to plant seedlings along Dumaresq Creek at the Rologas Fields. The community is invited to join in from 9am on Sunday to help plant nearly 2000 native trees and shrubs.
This planting will build on the very first HiCUB planting which has been incredibly successful. Completed in 2009 by the Armidale Tree Group, the site along Marsh St is regularly commented on by the Armidale community and visitors to town.
“It’s important to plant this site, to stabilise this section of the creek bank and prevent further erosion,” said Dave Carr (HiCUB Project Director), “and also because it’s in a prominent part of town. Beautification of this area helps make it more attractive to visitors, and for the sports and community groups that use Rologas.”
Anyone wanting to help can meet the AURG and HiCUB at the Rologas Fields, near the crossing on Taylor St at 9am. All equipment and tools will be provided for the planting.
AURG and the Lions Club will be providing morning tea and a sausage sizzle for a gold coin donation.
For further details and to RSVP, please contact Ellen Nyberg on 02 6772 9123 or
The generous support of the NSW Environmental Trust and Armidale Dumaresq Council is gratefully acknowledged.

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