Has Tony Windsor represented the views of New England people?

Tony Windsor’s decision to vote with the Labor Party and support a future Carbon Tax highlights his arrogance towards his constituents.
To quote Tony Windsor in the Country Leader 17/10/11, “I believe the people of New England elected me to lead”¦” sums up his attitude of self importance.
Tony Windsor was elected to represent the people of New England and their conservative views (validated by approximately 28 per cent of the Upper House first preference votes going to the Labor Party versus approximately 42 per cent going to the Coalition, in the 2010 Federal Election). To represent means to speak and act for the constituents in the electorate. By voting with the Labor Party and supporting the Labor Party policies, Tony Windsor has not stood up for the majority of his constituents who are conservative by nature.
How many people voted for Tony Windsor in 2010 based on his conservative farming background, only to find he has voted contradictory to his image? Those people who voted for the conservative Independent now find they have effectively supported:
1. A new tax on Carbon – an essential building block for life and food production
2. A broadband network that does little to help people outside of regional centres, and
3. A planned change to the Marriage Act.
Has Tony Windsor really represented the views of the majority of New England people?

Andrew Wood

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