Absurd anxiety

The earth always is warming/cooling, a natural climatic cycle without end.  Geo-climate scientists have shown conclusively that man and his activities on earth barely affect the earth’s climate.
Fear of “global warming” is an absurd anxiety of those who believe the aeons of recurring cycles of global climate are now a threat to life on earth.
People have lived and prospered for thousands of years in accordance with these climatic cycles. They will continue to do so.
It is impossible to tax global warming out of existence. However, that does not stop our Green Labor politicians seeking someone both to blame and to tax. Why, even dear old Tony Windsor says he was proud to have voted for ‘putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions (to) make polluters pay’ (Independent, 19 October, page 4). So now, according to Tony, we are all polluters and deserve to pay for it. Welcome to your new world, New Englanders!

Dr Paul Fidlon,

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