Remembrance Day

Rain held off for Remembrance Day commemorations in Armidale last Friday, and the 11 o’clock service was held outdoors as planned, at the city’s principal war memorial, the Fountain in Central Park, which was stunningly beautiful with poppies from Flanders. Workers from Armidale Dumaresq Council were praised for the excellent state of the park, especially the Fountain. The Flanders theme was enriched by deeply moving singing about Flanders Fields by a choir of young people in the New England Singers, who were conducted by Leanne Roobol.
Other young people included representatives from St Albert’s College who placed a wreath at the Fountain. Regulars could not agree whether the numbers were up or down on previous years, but generally wished more people would attend.
RSL Sub-Branch President, Max Tavener, led the service, which began with the tolling of the 33rd Battalion’s bell in St Peter’s Cathedral. During the Two Minute Silence, people of diverse faiths and denominations were united in honouring the fallen. The service included the last post and reveille beautifully sounded by Robyn Shanahan, and a sole bagpiper, Geoff Monley, rendering a soul-stirring lament during the wreath-laying. Ian Twemlow conducted the poppy ceremony with customary enthusiasm and flair. The guest speaker was Commander Derek Norton who gave an interesting talk about the qualities represented by the Unknown Soldier. Prayers were led by Rev David Seaman from the Presbyterian Church.
Remembrance Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, com-memorates the end of fighting in the First World War at 11 o’clock on November 11, 1918.

Story: John Farrell

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