I am absolutely disgusted by the Coalition and by Mr Provest in particular. His recent comments on the ABC that a carbon trading scheme could “kill” pensioners who live in the Tweed is a display of the lowest possible fear-mongering politics.
For years our planet has been groaning under the pollution we have been throwing at it and the response has always been it is too hard or it will cost too much money. The question I pose to Mr Provest and his ilk is, ‘Are you willing to doom future generations for the sake of a few votes in a state election campaign?’ It might hurt you to admit that opposition to a carbon trading scheme is a bad idea but, if you pluck up the courage to act now, you will be benefitting not just your own children but your great-grandchildren as well.
The time for political posturing is over. Unless he changes his ways, a vote for Mr Provest and his party is a vote for pollution and the destruction of our natural environment.
G Pearson,