Rifle Club on target

When the TAS Year 11 Construction students were offered the opportunity to help the Armidale Rifle Club, they jumped at the chance to demonstrate their new wood working skills.
The Armidale Rifle Club needed to renew their Wallamumbi Range target frame and faces after years of use – a time and space consuming task. After hearing about some of the community work being undertaken by the new Trade Centre, the Armidale Rifle Club then approached the centre to see if the students were interested in assisting them.
This request for assistance offered the students the opportunity to work for a real client with genuine needs. As well, the Rifle Club would pay for all the materials used in the construction of the targets. Armidale member, Stuart Cleghorn, provided the centre with excellent detailed drawings to work from and reminded the students of the value of doing technical drawing at school. He put his drawing skills down to his time with Clem Rasmus at Armidale High School in the early ’60s.
Overall, the construction students built four target frames and 17 target faces for the Rifle Club. These new target should last the Rifle Club at least another 25 years.

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