Small business portfolio welcome addition to cabinet

Northern Rivers NSW Business Chamber has applauded the Prime Minister’s decision to include the small business portfolio as a cabinet position.
NSW Business Chamber has long advocated the need to include the Minister for Small Business in cabinet decisions given the importance of the sector to the national economy.
“Finally Australia’s two million small businesses have a voice around the nation’s decision-making table,” Northern Rivers NSW Business Chamber regional manager John Murray said.
“Small business is the engine room of the nation’s economy. Australian small businesses employ nearly 50 per cent of the workforce and contribute approximately $295 billion a year to the national economy – they have long deserved a voice in Cabinet.
Mr Murray said he was pleased that the Prime Minister’s clear focus on economic growth and job creation had been backed up by action in her cabinet reshuffle.
“The small business community has legitimate concerns about the impact of the carbon tax and the operation of the FairWork Act Those concerns can now be raised at the decision-making table – a significant victory for Australia’s small business sector.”

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