Theatrical treat

Armidale theatre lovers are looking forward in anticipation, with the launch of the TAS Hoskins Centre 2012 season last Sunday giving a tantalising taste of what will be on offer next year.
The highlight of the season is the collaboration with the Sydney Theatre Company who will be working alongside local students on a series of performances.
Hoskins Centre Manager Emma Buzo is thrilled to have the Sydney Theatre Company on board for 2012.
“We have tried to put a program in that offers something for everyone,” Emma Buzo said.
“Our community needs more theatre that means something to us. To have the Sydney Theatre Company come to Armidale and join forces with our young people, and for our young people to have the experience of performing on stage alongside professional actors is something that we are quite excited about.
“You don’t see it too often, you see youth theatre and you see professional theatre, but to actually have professionals working with talented young people is not so common.
Education Manager for the Sydney Theatre Company Helen Hristofski was in Armidale for the launch on Sunday.
“At the moment, our collaboration with the Hoskins Centre here in Armidale is called the ‘New England Project’ which will no doubt change once we announce the title of the play that we will be performing,” said Helen.
“This project will bring a whole range of people from the Armidale area, through high schools and community networks, together.
“From that we will craft a play that will be rehearsed towards the end of the year with young actors and Sydney Theatre Company actors for a season in the Hoskins Centre in October of next year.
“It is wonderful to have the Hoskins Centre as an anchor for the project and one of the reasons we came here to Armidale.
“The Sydney Theatre Company has had a great relationship with a lot of the high schools in the area over the years and the students do outstanding work, with a strong teacher base here.”
The Hoskins Centre season for 2012 will cater for all tastes, with four touring professional productions ranging from indigenous theatre to a family show, with Treasure Island from the Queensland Theatre Company as well as a comedic show from Western Australia that will break apart what manhood is. Quality local productions will also be included, with shows from the Armidale Drama and Musical Society.
“I love to bring new audiences into the theatre that don’t usually come,” said Emma Buzo.
“The whole point of this artistic season is that it will bring in new people from Armidale on a regular basis, that will come to a place like the Hoskins Centre and be entertained in a meaningful way to them.”

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