Civic Precinct

“If you don’t have a dream, how’re you going to make a dream come true”¦”¦?”
That’s from Bloody Mary’s song ‘Happy Talk’, a highlight in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific.
Those working for Armidale’s future with the new Civic Precinct project are following that dream.  Good on them.  The time is right.
The aim is maximising the benefit of Council land in the heart of the city – the new much needed Armidale Dumaresq library, plus planning for a new Regional Performing Arts Centre,  backed up by refurbishment of the Town Hall.
This is revitalising the heart of the city in a really big way, showing confidence in a solid future for Armidale and, in particular, the heart of the city and its malls. The Committee will work to make it happen.
These facilities will add to the standing of the highest city in Australia and afford new opportunities for major professional as well as local productions. And of course the project opens up a very much needed venue for conferences, and the benefits that those bring.
Without people with a vision for the future who are prepared to do the hard yards now, things wouldn’t happen in the future and dreams would never come true.
What was Bloody Mary’s message again?
“ Happy talk, keep talkin’ happy talk
Talk about things you’d like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don’t have a dream,
How ’re you going to have a dream come true?”

Susie Dunn,

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