Doesn’t compute

Listen, I am 87 years old and I feel so inadequate that the damage that the computer has done to the whole world.
Think about it – before it was invented and marketed, the world was in full (maybe not full but almost) employment in every country and had little liquidity problems.
Then comes the computer. What it has done has made a certain number instant billionaires and a handful over the world very wealthy peope, while now billions are in desperate poverty unable to find enough food for one day, let alone one week, one month or one year. They are dying by the multiple thousands each day and there is no answer – it just gets worse!
Just think how many more businesses will fold today and tomorrow and the next day and so on and throwing multi families wondering where the next meal is coming from. Their homes going on the market due to mortgages that now cannot be met.
I cry inside all day at the rotten deal so many are getting because the computer has taken over their lives.
Is there an answer? I don’t think so. But convince me I’m wrong.

Margaret Walton
Tweed Heads West

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