Cafe and roses in Kentucky

Now into its second year, Kentucky Roses is busy gearing up for Christmas. Lots of visitors are enjoying the delights of the specialist David Austin Rose Nursery, cafe and display garden in the beautiful village of Kentucky and owners Kate and Dave Hedges have been busier than ever accommodating guests who love to relax among the exquisite roses that are so quintessentially English.
“The garden looks really beautiful this spring, it has just grown so much since last year,” said Kate.
“The recent rain has been amazing and while the garden ends up a bit water-logged at times, it usually bounces back better than ever.
“Sometimes guests have to reschedule due to the weather, but they don’t seem to mind.”
Kate is planning a Christmas tree display in the December months and is hoping to extend opening hours one evening a week so families can come out in the cool of the day and enjoy the atmosphere of “magic hour’ in the garden, and the Christmas trees with their lights and decorations dotted around the cafe and garden areas.
“We love Christmas here, last year was our first year open and we didn’t have a chance to really do the Christmas thing, this year will be different!
“I love wandering around the garden in the evening, it’s the best time of the day – usually we’re closed then but I had the idea that for a few weeks before Christmas we could open once a week in the evening for others to enjoy it too.”
Plans are also afoot to extend the garden, with a large area recently planted out with trees, with the eventual aim of it becoming a shady woodland.
“That’s a year or two off yet though,” said Kate.
No matter though, in the meantime there’s still plenty of garden to wander through and lots of coffee and cake to be sampled!
Kentucky Roses Nursery, Garden and Cafe is open every Sunday 10 – 5pm from  until April 2012, with standard and bush David Austin Roses for sale.  Groups can visit by appointment or on days the nursery is open, and enjoy a stroll through the garden to view the various roses.
For more information visit or phone 6778 7220.

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