In response

Your correspondent Jay Nauss, (7-12) rails against increased incomes for policy makers. Democracy is an expensive and sophisticated system of Government Jay.
Carbon tax is a net benefit to society. The empirical evidence will be with us in a few months. The Murray River Water Plan is still far from settled and contributions to the International Monetary Fund for Europe keep the Chinese buying our coal, because Europe will continue buying Chinese manufactured goods.
There will always be freeloaders Jay, but I think policy makers deserve their money. The Remuneration Tribunal obviously agrees.
You speak of the plight of Pensioners. I live on the Age Pension, because I was ill during my earning years. I spent the time studying, so I would be better informed in my older years.
I am over expensive vices and capricious wants, so I live quite well. Pensioners are assured that they will be compensated for any extra electricity costs.
The present high cost of electricity has nothing to do with Carbon Tax. It is simply a function of electricity privatisation. The need to replace infrastructure is ignored so shareholders can receive high dividends. It works for a time and the time is up.
John Bergin,

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