Alleged corruption embroils UNE staff

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry commencing on Monday, January 23 as part of an investigation it is conducting into allegations of corrupt conduct concerning Colin McCallum, the Campus Services Manager at the University of New England (UNE).It is alleged that between December 2004 and April 2011, Mr McCallum corruptly solicited and received benefits for himself and others in return for improperly favouring Quad Services Pty Ltd, Sydney Night Patrol and Inquiry Pty Ltd, and Prosys Services Pty Ltd in the awarding of UNE contracts, and for approving payment of false invoices submitted to the university by those companies.The Commission is also investigating an allegation that between July and December 2010, Mr McCallum corruptly arranged for payment for the hire of UNE sports facilities for use by New England Rugby Union by providing false and misleading information to other UNE employees.The public inquiry will start at 10am and will be held in the Commission’s hearing room at Level 21, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. ICAC Assistant Commissioner, Theresa Hamilton, will preside at the public inquiry, which is expected to continue for between three and five days.A statement circulated by UNE on Monday states that UNE will continue to fully cooperate with ICAC throughout their investigation and the forthcoming public inquiry. The University is committed to working with ICAC on any findings of the inquiry.

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