Alarmist repents

James Lovelock has finally repented of his Gaia Theory. He says he was too alarmist about his predictions such as ‘only a few breeding pairs left in the Arctic.’ (Imagine being the last male of a Noahist pair asked to breed!)
The children in our primary schools can now sleep peacefully. And in the UK the startled kids can now snuggle up with teddy now knowing TVs Carbon Monster will not drown all the bunny rabbits. And UK Ponzi-schemer Mark ‘Global Wipeout’ Linus can return to the Maldives and film people on land rather than posing under water for his alarmist filming (he can but he won’t.) Australia’s own climate guru, paleontologist Tim Flannery may give up his alleged Directorship with desalination plant maker Siemens. The World Wild Life Fund and Greenpeace will have to look for other ways to collect money from the gullible Last Will and Testament makers and the ever-wise United Nations prediction there would be 50 million Global Warming refugees has not come to pass. (Was its promotion of so-called boat refugees seeking a safer and better life the thinking of the UN gurus?) Back home (pigs may fly) The Labor Gillard/Swann tax gathering with the Carbon Tax will have to be abandoned and another cash cow sought.
For a really funny look at the whole matter of the alarmist doomsaying get a hold of the recent book by the UK’s James Dellingpole: Killing the Earth to Save It.

Warren James
Engineer, Physics Teacher

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