Water options for the Tweed

I am concerned that some people want to rush into a decision about building more dam water storage capacity in the Tweed valley without prudent consideration of what is really needed for the region’s future.
The Tweed Shire Council appointed a Community Working Group (CWG) whose report preferred raising the wall of the existing Clarrie Hall dam over building an entirely new dam on Byrrill Creek, but they were not allowed to comment on how to reduce demand or maximise water conservation.
The Tweed has more value as an ecological wonderland than as a water storage basin. Our future development may rely on eco-tourism, a place of tranquillity and biodiversity, rather than a dormitory suburb for the Gold Coast.
Katie Milne seems to be the only one of the current councillors who seems capable of any serious study of options. I am hopeful that the next council – to be elected in September – will be more interested in best practice than in providing cheap sanitised water for people to hose down their driveways.

Scott Sledge
President, Northern
Rivers Guardians

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