Abbott needs to go

I have now read that Abbott and Hockey plan to rip up everything that the Labor Government has achieved over the last four years. They plan to bring back “worker mobility” (ie Workchoices), get rid of increases to the Superannuation levy so I will have less money to retire on, will increase taxes and will make it harder for me to get a job or pay my bills.
Reading this in today’s Australian it made me wonder where Australian politics is heading? It seems that Abbott is pushing our political word ever further to the right. Of course we have never heard what he stands for but we know what he stands against. He has admitted that he thinks climate change is crap, he has admitted that he thinks that Workchoices was a good idea and he has now admitted that higher taxes on workers is a good idea, I guess so he can hand more money over to big businesses so that they can keep on polluting our planet.
It is getting past time for the Liberals to get rid of Abbott. He is destroying the Australian psyche by denigrating everything that makes us Aussies. His policies are a direct attack on the ideas of mateship and giving people a fair go. For the good of Australia it is time for Mr Abbott to go. He really has shown that he is the weak.
Jo Millar

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