Community cleaned up

Parklands and reserves across Armidale got the once over on Sunday with volunteers from the community taking part in this year’s Clean Up Australia Day.
With the help of Armidale Dumaresq Council (ADC), volunteers put on their gloves removing rubbish along Dumaresq Creek.
ADC Councillor Bruce Whan, who helped remove trolleys from Dumaresq Creek, was pleased to see so many come out to help.
“It’s been organised by Ellen Nyberg from Southern New England Landcare with the help of the Rivercare people as well,” said Bruce Whan.
“There has been a lot of families and volunteers come along and we have pulled out a lot of trolleys and even an old stereo.
“Some of the trolleys are buried pretty well in the silt so we will have to come back and get them with a tractor.
“Clean Up Australia Day is always a great day for people to get out and do the right thing and clean up the town.

Story: Jo Harrison

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