Plans go on display on site

Tweed Shire Council certainly took their plans to change part of Marine Parade, Kingscliff to the people last week.
The council, who have had the plans on display on-line, at the local Library and the two chamber offices in Tweed and Murwillumbah, brought the plans out to a booth between the Kingscliff Hotel and shops last week to canvas opinion.
More than 40 people stopped, with 20 commenting throughout the morning, with most in support of the project, including residents Helen and John Kook.
“I just think it will ease traffic congestion and give us more parking,” Helen said.
“It should also cut down the traffic exhaust when you go for a coffee at the local cafes.”
The booth was set up in the lot beside the Kingscliff Beach Hotel from 10am to 1pm, to provide information about the Marine Parade concept plans, answer residents’ questions and enable people to vote on the proposal to make Marine Parade a one-way street from Turnock Street to Seaview Street.
“We have widely publicised the concept plans and engagement campaign, including the community survey. However, this is a key issue for the vitality of the Kingscliff foreshore and town centre, so the information stall is a further effort to inform the community and enable residents to provide feedback,” Council’s Civil Design Engineering Coordinator, Warren Boyd, said.
The proposal to make Marine Parade one-way between Turnock Street and Seaview Street is currently on exhibition and can be viewed through the ‘What’s New’ section of Council’s website, at Council offices and the Kingscliff Library.
A video outlining the concept plan and an online survey are part of the information provided online.
The proposal is expected to eventually create up to 70 new car parks along Marine Parade, addressing a lon-standing issue identified through previous community consultation.
It also includes significant street beautification measures including tree planting in pedestrian walkways and islands.
The concept plans have received strong support from the local Chamber of Commerce and Residents’ Association, who have received regular updates as part of community consultation for the project.
The proposal will be on exhibition until Friday, June 22, with community members invited to submit their feedback by 4.30pm on that date.

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