Flag debate

As the flag debate develops monarchists will tell us many servicemen died for the flag. Senator John Williams gives this line a run (March 7). They usually also tell us the flag reminds us of where we came from. These are standard lines coming off the computer at monarchy central.
If we had a flag the majority of Australians support Senator Williams would not need to write to newspapers defending it. My grandson’s Italian sheep dog is more Australian than the present flag.
I would remind Senator Williams and his monarchist mates in the National Party that our closest allies , America and Canada have both changed their flag recently without any sense of disrespect to fallen servicemen and I further remind him that anglophiles are a minority in Australia. The monarchists’ own self interest is their reason for supporting the present flag as will be demonstrated.
Five allied armies invaded Normandy in 1944. Two were American and one Canadian. There were enormous casualties as they and the British fought their way to Germany. Canada and America have since changed their flags, so how does retaining a flag honour fallen servicemen? Monarchists should try running this line with our allies before trying it on with the readers.
Now for the real reason for their attempts at emotional blackmail. Church and State are one in Britain. The British union flag therefore represents the Anglican Church as much as it represents the British State. Such a flag on our flag therefore gives undue prominence to both Britain and the Anglican church, which is exactly what monarchists want.
Our Constitution demands religious equality. The Racial Discrimination Act demands racial equality and the Enlightenment demands separation of Church and State.
Anglophiles have built their house on sandy ground, hence their attempt at emotional blackmail. They have no other way of maintaining the social benefit the present flag affords them.
Eureka is ideal and the wattle is ideal. If I want to be reminded of England I watch English comedy.

John Bergin,

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