
It continues to shock me that people listen to the shock jocks and their non-stop whinging.
We in Australia don’t seem to understand just how good we have it. The Australian economy is strong, with interest rates lower than at any time since before 2006, with the second lowest unemployment rate in the developed world, with real wages growing, and with national debt less than 10 per cent of GDP.
Why don’t people give the Federal Government the credit they deserve? We should all express our thanks that, unlike most other countries, even the US, we did not go into a recession,which could have meant hundreds of thousands of extra people on the dole or homeless.
Why, oh why, can’t the positive story get out there? Is it really true that you sell more advertising by sitting in the corner moaning? Please can we start to see some balanced coverage of just how good it is to live in Australia and be Australian?

Nev Thompson
Banora Point

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