Local musicians perform music by local composers

The highlight of the Armidale music calendar for 2012 will be a performance by a group of Armidale-based musicians who will showcase music written by some of our best local composers.
For a regional community, Armidale is in a very fortunate and perhaps unique position of having a number of nationally and internationally renowned resident composers and musicians and the combination of these strengths coupled with a strong community focus is sure to result in one of the highlights of Armidale’s cultural and artistic calendar for the year.
The concert, the third such event that has been held (the first being in 2007) highlights the talents of the following performers: Alexandra Hiew (violin), Chris Garden (clarinet), Eleanor Streatfeild (cello), Jacqui Thompson (viola), Jenny Game-Lopata (saxophone), Kerry Watson (violin), Margaret Butcher (violin), Nick Negerevich (flute), Robyn Bradley (piano), Ruth Strutt (voice), Sarah Thorneycroft (double bass), Stephen Tafra (guitar), Steve Thorneycroft (guitar) and the Swara Naga UNE Gamelan Ensemble playing works written by: Christopher Purcell, Ann Ghandar, Benjamin Thorn, Edward Ryan, Jenny Game-Lopata, Kerry Watson and Steve Thorneycroft.
The concert will be held in the Old Teachers’ College Auditorium on Saturday March 31 at 3pm with entry by donation. All proceeds will go towards the funding of future commissions of new music by our local composers for our local musicians.

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