Quality journalism

Recent tumultuous changes in the Australian media landscape have left Australians wondering about their future access to quality journalism and the influence of mining and media moguls on editorial policy. Journalists themselves are concerned about their future prospects.
Such events make it increasingly important that we have an independent media organisation, such as our national broadcaster, staffed by quality journalists.
Prominent amongst those ranks is veteran ABC identity Kerry O’Brien who will address the Northern Rivers Friends of the ABC at Bangalow A & I Hall on Saturday, June 30 from 2 pm. Kerry will draw upon his broad experience as a journalist with the ABC to comment on past and present reportage of current affairs. He will field questions from the audience on these issues. Members of the public are welcome to attend. (Admission by donation $10 adult, $5 concession).

Neville Jennings (President)
Northern Rivers Friends of the ABC

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