Carbon burden

Congratulations Labor and Greens, we now have a Carbon Tax. This extra burden on Australians is based on flawed science and hidden agendas. We haven’t experienced the bite from our Carbon Tax yet but, if the Canadian Green Energy Act is anything to go by, it is not difficult to see that it is the thin end of the wedge. In Canada, according to Len Maier, the president of the Friends of Science Society, which has been tracking and reviewing climate science for the past decade, solar energy in Ontario costs 12 times that of conventional sources. The Act absurdly demands that the Canadian taxpayer props up unready green-tech industries. The production and operation of current ‘green’ energy alternatives relies on wasteful volumes of fossil fuel.
According to research on file with the Friends of Science, a wind turbine takes 1.5 years to generate the power used to create it. This does not include the cost of the transmission lines, which typically are 65 per cent of the wind turbines installed. It also ignores the huge number of birds that are killed by being sucked into the turbines, many of whom are on the endangered list. Furthermore, a typical wind farm causes more natural gas usage from the required back-up generators than they save, resulting in a net increase in both natural gas usage and increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
We are being lied to about climate change and green power. Look at the chicanery behind the scenes at the IPCC, where this whole climate debacle started – so-called peer reviewed science that turned out to be articles cited from green activist opinion papers. Many scientists resigned from those climate change committees in disgust.
For Aussie battlers to do it tough to genuinely help the natural environment is one thing, but a Carbon Tax based on the pretext of an insubstantial theory of catastrophic global-warming (caused by increased CO2) is totally another. CO2 is not a key driver of climate. True, the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have risen dramatically over the past 50 years. But, at various times during that period, average temperatures have dropped. Over the past 15 years, global temperatures have cooled, and there is one line of inquiry that postulates a longer term cooling similar to that which occurred between 1940 and 1975. Cooler temperatures are far more deadly to humans than warmer ones. This is historically documented in the differences in life during the Medieval Warm Period and similar warm climate cycles. The Medieval Warm Period was prosperous.
The Sun, not Man, is the main driver of climate change cycles, modified by various other natural forces like volcanoes, and ocean cycles like the North Atlantic Oscillation. But of course the Gillard Government cannot tax the Sun. So my hearty congratulations to Labor and the Greens for potentially sabotaging one of the more sound economies in a climate of financial collapse.

Chris Degenhardt
Tweed Shire Resident

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