In response

Regular readers may recall my letter to Dr Paul Fidlon and all within Armidale (Armidale Independent 14/3/2012). That letter was in response to Dr Fidlon’s ongoing “Letters to the Editor’ appearing in both Armidale newspapers. Letters which do nothing but attack the Labor Party, the Greens, the Independents, Armidale-Dumaresq Council etc. Any political group except the Liberal Party. I haven’t the slightest clue as to why but that is not the point here.
I pointed out that we can move to becoming a sustainable society via a change towards renewable resources like solar power. I presented this as an alternative to continuing with fossil fuels. The latter pollute essentials like air, water and land. They are also controlled by a microscopically small percentage of the population.
Dr Fidlon, once again I – for one – cannot accept your non-stop negativity.
Each of the three subsequent issues of this here newspaper has displayed a letter from you which criticises – and does nothing but criticise.
I left my email address on March 14. I repeat it here. I am yet to receive an email from you. Do you even read this community newspaper?
I, for one, am at a loss as to where to go to from here. I simply make the point that I have nothing against you as a person (or anyone else for that matter).
Finally to all and by way of self-correction: I see no point in criticising how energy was sourced in the 1800s, hence the reason I do not do it.

Tom Livanos,

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