Taxing subject

Two subjects that have kept our media busy lately have been the Carbon and Mining Taxes and, of course, Asylum Seekers.
The carbon and mining taxes have brought together all of Australia’s big business groups who, through the Abbott-led LNP Federal opposition, have been fighting hard to avoid contributing to the upgrading of all facets of Our Country’s infrastructure and the living standards of this Country’s working people.
Our very wealthy miners and billionaires had their politicians and advisers take a close look at the proposed tax legislation. It appears that the advisers found that it would be very difficult to put over a campaign that would save their masters from increased taxation if the huge profits that came from mining, the very lucrative salaries the directors and management received, and the bonuses that were handed out, were made clear to the average Australian.
They knew that global warming was not understood by a very large number of Australians and that there was a percentage of Australians that did not beleive that it existed . This of course led them to the conclusion that it would be easier to run some fairytales on the carbon tax, so off they went, led by our top Fibber Tony Abbott.
Our Labor-led Federal Government has been making a genuine effort to finance the growth of much needed highways, roads and railway tracks that are essential to general business and the mining industry. They have had to commit billions of dollars to repairing the severe damage that floods and cyclones have caused .
There have also been increasing salaries, pensions of all sorts and benefits to unemployed and disabled and families.
One very expensive activity that is rarely mentioned, but brings very nice profits to the private business sector, is the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The last report we heard of this Howard-led LNP Government caper was in 07 when the cost at that time was approximately two billion dollars, that figure would have increased considerably.
None of these actions could be financed without obtaining money from somewhere. The Power hungry billionairs who get a mention in our media every day do not want to pay tax related to their income the way Australian working people do, they want to be able to use all of the tax evasive lurks that LNP Governments have enacted for their mates.
We all have to keep in mind that, throughout our country’s history, it has been the average working person and small business that have fought for and worked hard to build up what we know is one of the best societies in the world, so in a period of extreme wealth, all Australians should be benefitting.
No one would deny the Murdochs, Packers, Rineharts, Forrests and Palmers the opportunity to live the life of luxury they obviously do, but they must contribute a fair share to upgrade this country’s average worker’s living standards to something above an existence level.

G H Gilmour

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