He and sister Julia (no not THAT Julia) made headlines with their beautiful collaborative album a year or two ago and now Angus Stone is back, out on his own and heading our way.
Stone, who has just released his highly anticipated solo album Broken Brights, will play the Coolangatta Hotel on November 10 (as well as locations in Brisbane and Byron if you’re really keen) and the good news is tickets go on sale on August 7.
With four Stars from Mojo Magazine, Triple J ‘Album of the Week’ and a sold-out European launch tour, Angus Stone released his highly anticipated solo album Broken Brights.
“For the people that have listened to Julia and me play for so long, I’m looking forward to handing it over to them so that they can create their own worlds and experiences with the writings,” he said.
“To play live as my own in front of those people, it’s going to be a different trail of gravel and gold, but none the less very exciting.” Stone said.
If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, Broken Brights deftly shifts between genres without compromising Stone’s signature sound.
From cowboy blues to indie-pop, psychedelic rock and country folk, it’s as “steady as a heartbeat, making its way across sun drenched deserts and endless highways” (Triple J Magazine).
As Stone puts it, “it’s a whole different trip”.
Wednesday, November 7
Great Northern, Byron Bay NSW.
Tickets on sale August 7 from angusstone.com
Friday, November 9
The Hi Fi, Brisbane QLD
Tickets on sale August 7 from angusstone.com