Red Shield Appeal

I write on behalf of The Salvation Army to ask if your readers would be kind enough to help with this year’s Red Shield Appeal.
Right now The Salvation Army’s resources are absolutely stretched to the maximum. Our people on the front line are seeing huge numbers of vulnerable Australians coming to our doors with increasingly complex needs.
People are being deeply affected by the financial strain of housing affordability and the increased cost of living. Our need is greater than ever for funds.
If people are interested in volunteering two to three hours of their time to help with the big doorknock, please call us on 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) for the cost of a local call or visit We want to mobilise 100,000 collectors nationally to knock on as many doors as possible.
It’s alarming to know that right now, many clients that come to The Salvation Army regularly go without meals. Some can’t even afford a decent meal just once a day. Numerous clients tell us they can’t afford heating or decent furniture. Many have no savings to fall back on. A number are taking on new debt.
The Salvation Army helps over one million people in crisis every 12 months. People are continuing to find things very difficult. They are struggling financially to stay afloat.
We’ll be doorknocking around the nation on the weekend of May 19 and 20. You can give to the Salvos at any time by calling 13 SALVOS, visiting, donate at any Westpac branch or post your cheque (made out to The Salvation Army) to PO Box 9888 in your capital city.
We thank readers in advance for their generosity.

Major Bruce Harmer,
The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory.

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