Rural help

I am hoping that, through your newspaper, we might be able to get the word out to rural properties in your area.
My name is Jean Winterfield from SA and I, together with Jenny Watters in WA, co-ordinate THE OUTBACK HELPERS SCHEME which is Australia-wide.  We have many volunteer helpers who are able to go out onto properties to lend a hand.
Currently we have a small number of properties listed for NSW but we certainly could do with a lot more … We would be happy for big and small holdings to register [that is at no cost at all] but it’s the opportunity to avail themselves of someone to help out now and then.
Quite often, stations or farms, have jobs that need doing, eg: painting, some carpentry work, a major spring clean in the house, a garden overhaul, cooking, dressmaking, mechanical, fencing … the list is endless) and it is beyond their means to employ staff to do that, when the position is only for a few days, a week or a month. As you may know, getting professionals out to the ‘bush’ is extremely costly and there are many travellers (both young and not-so-young) who have a wealth of experience and would love the opportunity to stop off for a little time and to help out.
People who wish to visit will be expected to pitch in and help, as it is not a ‘free holiday stay’ scheme.  Remember, though, this is their holiday, so leave them plenty of time for recreation, sightseeing, reading a book, relaxing … whatever.  Keep in mind that they are a helper, not an employee … albeit a willing helper.
It is very beneficial to both sides … a chance for the volunteers/helpers to experience something new and exciting, and perhaps a chance to supplement their income/pension; and for the hosts to enjoy the company of people who are much travelled; and also enjoy a little respite from trying to do everything, with not enough time to do it in!!
We do our best to place helpers and hosts together at a time that suits both, but of course this may not always happen.  It is up to the ‘helper’ and ‘host station/farm’ to negotiate, between themselves, suitability and the final arrangements before they visit.
There are many people travelling around our beautiful country who would love the chance to ‘get off the tourist route’ and see how the other half live.
So, if you are interested in joining and being a ‘Host Station/Farm’, please call or email Jean in Mount Gambier SA on 08 8725 4463 or mobile 0407 973 059 and email or Jenny on Mt Clere Station. WA on 08 9981 2943 or fax 08 9981 2959 and email Our website is for further info.
PS. If there is anyone out there who would like to become a Helper we would love to hear from you as well.

Jean Winterfield
South Australia

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