Flood Risk investigated in Uralla

Creek flooding can have many undesirable effects including loss of life, damage to property, loss of income, and a high emotional and financial toll on those affected. Emergency services can be overstretched and Local Government is often left to account for planning decisions and to meet the repair bill for public infrastructure.
In order to help minimise the risk to people and property from flooding in Uralla, Uralla Shire Council has engaged the services of Paterson Consultants Pty Ltd, Grafton, to assess flood risk along Rocky Creek and Uralla Creek. According to Stephen Finch, Council’s acting Director of Engineering, it is not possible to altogether eliminate risks from flooding.
“However, we can minimise the risks by better understanding the size of possible major floods and through identifying where floodwaters can be expected to cause a problem,” said Mr Finch.
“Uralla has never had a flood study undertaken, and we need to be confident that we have the correct information to inform our planning and emergency response decisions.”
The current study is the beginning of a longer term process to examine whether current flood controls are adequate and ensure that appropriate flood measures are adopted.
The flood study will be confined to main creek flooding of Rocky and Uralla Creeks through the developed areas of Uralla. The study is not addressing street drainage issues or overland flooding issues caused by runoff.
As Council has insufficient formal records of flooding in Uralla, Council will ask property owners along the creeks in the study area for their assistance to identify where flooding has taken place and the effect it has had.
Information derived from the questionnaires will assist in identifying historical flood levels.
Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from any member of the community who would like to participate in the Floodplain Risk Management Committee. The committee is being established to help better inform Council and provide a mechanism by which the community can have input into the study and subsequent management strategy.
Council will host a drop-in consultation and information session about the study, management strategy and committee on Tuesday, June 5, from 4.30pm to 7.30pm in Council Chambers. Everyone is welcome, there is no need to book in advance.
The study is expected to be completed by June 2013.

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