Rates Skyrocket.

Try Living in our world, 24.2 per cent rise in just 12 months – that is what our latest rate notice is saying.
Land Valuation up, have you tried to sell a house in the past 24 months? Blind Freddie knows that prices have gone down.
Council’s summary of charges have gone up across the board. Is some of this carbon Tax? If so, we have been led to believe that you have a methane extractor plant at a local landfill, which gives Council credits against the carbon tax which would make them exempt from paying this tax.
Although you’re over the top, 24.2 per cent rise is added to this year’s rate notice. How come the pensioners only get a further reduction of $5?
We are extremely dis-appointed with this council, Yet again.

LE & WK Attridge
Banora Point

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