Power pressure

The national debate surrounding electricity is being trivialised by apportioning blame to the person.
Any blame must be sheeted home to the power industry and the state government (persuasion is irrelevant). To my mind, those who took up the offer available to them to have a solar generating system installed are to be applauded, not denigrated.
IPART (Independent pricing and regulatory tribunal) recently came up with figures that would show the companies involved, a healthy rise in revenue and profits. What were they thinking?
Surely, when we see the retail companies ringing consumers and knocking on every door offering big discounts to change supplier, we can see IPART has been taken for a ride by those companies.
A recent question to IPART on this has not generated a reply.
Discounts maxing out at 16.5 per cent in NSW is dishonest at the least. They put submissions into IPART that claimed they were desperate and required big help. IPART fell for this and now the companies involved have surely spat in the face of IPART.
Do you realise that companies involved in transmission lines have a government regulated return on investment? Obviously the more they invest, the more profit they make, driving our power costs higher.
Electricity is now a necessity in our lives. Government must control all utilities that provide a necessity, or at the very least, be in the game to control it.

Neil Forscutt
Willow Tree

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