The measure of a person is what lies in the heart

I refer to the letter from Jay Nauss (Independent, May 9).
While I agree with his distaste for ‘dirty politics’, I found his scenario of evil papist plotting in Parliament an amazing concept for someone living in the 21st century.
Perhaps Mr Nauss is of the opinion that papists are inherently evil for he further pointed out that “if people adopted the True Christian Faith there would be no dirty political activity”. It left me wondering, if the original Christian religion (based under the Pope in Rome and adhered to by many millions around the globe) is no longer a “True Christian” one, which one is?
Sorry Mr Nauss but 21st century Australia no longer needs the philosophy of Reformation Europe nor all the associated sectarian issues that went with it. Religion may provide the parameters and values for decent human behaviour but the measure of a person is determined by what lies in the heart and what course of action that inspires him/her to take. A parliament composed of Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Christians and even atheists is capable of running well provided its members have the interests of their constituents at heart rather than their own personal gain or the need for power play.

Michael Gibson,

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