Looking For Love in All the Wrong Underpants

1. What can people expect from your show Looking For Love in All the Wrong Underpants?
A fabulously intimate dinner with new friends, a bloody good laugh and revelations that are occasionally accidentally profound.
2. You have travelled extensively across the globe, what destination has been your most memorable and why?
Travel experiences always depend on who you’re travelling with and why. Filming a doco in Zambia on AIDS orphans was very humbling, Antarctica was awe inspiring, Afghanistan was gob-smacking and Port Douglas, years ago, was hilarious as my children managed to continue their fighting even while wearing snorkels under water.
3.Will this be your first trip to Armidale and what are you looking forward to most from travelling across regional Australia performing?
I’ve visited New England several times, but never for long enough. I’m lucky this time that I’ll have the opportunity to share a really fun evening with locals while enjoying a wine and a gasbag.
4.What was your most memorable moment in your seven years hosting Big Brother?
Agh, that’s a secret I may well only reveal during Looking For Love in All the Wrong Underpants.
5.You have just completed your first film Jimmy and Gret Don’t Do Sex. Could you tell us a little bit more about this project?
A friend and I made this movie with no budget at all. It was an absolute labour of love, with volunteers thankfully popping out of the woodwork to help us. Essentially the film is about a deep friendship between two middle-aged eccentrics, it’s an ‘unconventional love story’.
6.As a single mum, what pearls of wisdom could you give to single mums in Armidale?
There are a lot of challenges for all mums, but for single mums there is not only the exhausting combination of trying to earn a living while giving your children all the attention they need, but also the fact that you simply don’t have another adult to share decisions, fears and responsibilities with. My advice is to look after your health, love your kids with al your heart, and try not to confuse fly spray with ironing starch .
7.If you had to choose your final meal before departing this earth what would it be?
Tuna, tabouli, hot chips and mum’s home-made cheesecake (the whole cake).
8.If you found yourself stranded on a tropical island, much like Tom Hanks in Castaway, what would be the one item you would hope to find in one of the Fedex parcels that survived the plane crash?
A mobile phone with a charged battery and phone range.
9.And of course it would be remiss of us not to ask who would you most like to be stranded with on a tropical island and why?
Either my children, George Clooney or a boat builder.

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