AHS claim maths prize

Armidale High School Principal, Anne Matley, shared a mathematical moment with Year 8 students who were more than happy to discuss their experiences at the annual Year 8 Mathematics Day held at the University of New England on Friday, May 11.
Two hundred and sixty students, accompanied by 65 teachers and parents, travelled to UNE for the University’s annual Year 8 Mathematics Day. It was the biggest number of participants in the history of the Mathematics Day, which is now in its 18th year.
Working in 65 teams of four, the students had an enjoyable experience of cooperative problem solving and applying mathematics to real-life situations.
“The students thoroughly enjoyed the day of solving problems under quite chal-lenging time constraints,” said teacher Lyn Cameron.
“The winning team of Ben Saunders, Jackson Doak, Chunze Cho and Edan Landow, took out the competition in the high school division and were thrilled to bring the trophy, previously held by the school in 2006, back to AHS.
“The second team of Nicola Watson, Kyle O’Donohue, Reece Burton and Izaac Cornish also acquitted themselves well.
“Our thanks to the New England Mathematical Association for organising such an enjoyable day.”

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