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Nowhere in his long letter (August 9) does Stuart Cahill mention that he is standing for Tweed council at next month’s local election. He is on Warren Polglase’s ticket – funny how Mr Cahill forgot to mention that as he was demonstrating his economic skills for us.
Holding down rate rises and creating jobs is what Polglase says he will do if re-elected to council. How could anyone believe that, when he has failed to do so as a councillor and even mayor for so many years? Just doesn’t add up. And if he follows the advice of economic guru Cahill, the real outcome of wiping out “feel-good” social programs will destroy jobs, not create them. These social programs provide services to Tweed pensioners, disadvantaged kids, the disabled, the poor and indeed to all ratepayers. Social programs funded by our rates directly employ council workers and provide cash to many local organisations that employ other local people. Putting people out of work is a strange way to create jobs!
As far as keeping down rates, the vague statements from Polglase so far are hopes or wishes, nothing of substance.
Although I am nowhere near as qualified in economics as Cahill or he, here is a suggestion on how to minimise rate increases. Forget about building an unnecessary dam at Byrrill Creek that will cost $100m and force all Tweed ratepayers into decades of debt. Simple idea really, no need for economic geniuses. And no need for Polglase or his guru on council, either.

Bruce McQueen
Mt Burrell

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